Ciao! 🙂
First of all we hope your are doing fine and keeping healthy, secondly we think that, just like us, you can hardly wait to get back to your life as it was. All we can do for the moment is to day dream about the wonderful places and sites we would like to experience once again. Who knows when we’ll be able to travel again and how we will have to change our habits. This is the reason why we came up with the Wish List idea, a totally free and non binding project in which you tell us about your dream tour and we will let you know when it will be available once again.
Participation is completely free and it will help us get to know you, share ideas on sites, visits, future projects and be ready to make them available for you as soon as possible.
What are you waiting for? All you have to do is write us at : and tell us about your dream, what you miss the most and where you’d love to go once our country opens again.
Want to know more about this initiative? Check out our video on YouTube and follow us on our social media for ideas and tips.
Illegal hugs,
Lucia and Exclusive Connection team