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3 not to be missed exhibits

Credits: Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria di Perugia

A new study says that visiting museums can boost your happiness. We know it very well, and we’re grateful for visiting museums every day thanks to our job.

So we’ve selected 3 not-to-be-miss exhibits for this Spring in Italy.

Italy’s best Maestro. Perugino and his day – until June 11th

Inaugurated on March 4th at the Gallery of Umbria in Perugia on the occasion of the fifth centennial of Pietro Vannucci’s death, known as Perugino, the most important painter active in the last two decades of the fifteenth century. This exhibition focuses on the fundamental milestones in Perugino’s career: from his early work in Andrea del Verrocchio’s workshop to becoming Raphael’s teacher. On display there is a curated selection of masterpieces coming from the most important art collections in the world such as the Uffizi Gallery, the National Gallery in Washington, the National Gallery in London the Louvre in Paris.

With Perugino […] there is no darkness, there are no mistakes. All colors are seductive, all space is pure light. The world, the universe everything looks divine: any sadness is balanced in the general harmony; any melancholy is balanced in peace – John Ruskin 1867

For more info – https://gallerianazionaledellumbria.it/mostre/mostra-perugino/

Reaching for the Stars. From Maurizio Cattelan to Lynette Yiadom-Boakye. – until June 18th

Palazzo Strozzi in Florence is housing a new contemporary and very discussed art exhibition. It consists of a selection of more than 50 works of art by the most important contemporary artists of our time such as Maurizio Cattelan, Damien Hirst and Anish Kapoor to name a few. Very peculiar is GONOGO, the monumental space rocket installation by Goshka Macuga in the Renaissance courtyard.

People don’t like contemporary art, but all art starts life as contemporary – Damien Hirst

For more info – https://www.palazzostrozzi.org/archivio/mostre/reaching-for-the-stars/

Masaccio. Crucifixion – until May 7th

This precious piece by Masaccio, usually at the Capodimonte Museum in Naples is now on display for the first time in Milan. This crucifixion is revolutionary as it shows, for the first time in art history, Jesus showing a human emotion such as pain.

For more info – https://chiostrisanteustorgio.it/mostra/masaccio-la-crocifissione-omaggio-ad-alberto-crespi/

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Lucia :